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St Giles 

Church of England Primary School

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⭐ Kindness Spotlight ⭐

Kindness Spotlight 


Our School Councillors are very proud to announce our 'Kindness Spotlight'. As a team, they have worked together to decide how this achievement would work at our school. The kindness spotlight links with our school aim: "achieving through kindness, compassion and perseverance" which is an area the school Councillors have focused on since September.


What is the kindness spotlight and how does it work?


Every week each class teacher will chose a member of their class. During circle time the children will share comments about that chosen member. We will then celebrate this as a whole school during our celebration worship on a Thursday. Today was of first time of introducing the 'kindness spotlight' during celebration worship; it was lovely to hear the children say such wonderful, inspiring and carefully thought about comments about our 4 children who have been chosen for the kindness spotlight this week.


Well done ⭐
