It is very difficult for children to learn if they are not in school. Regular and punctual attendance ensures that your child is able to make the most of his/her school life, whilst infrequent or late attendance leads to children feeling constantly behind with their schoolwork.
In accordance with the Education Act 1996, it is the duty of parents/carers to ensure the regular attendance of their child in school. This means that she/he must be in attendance and on time every day unless she/he is ill or there is any other unavoidable cause.
We are always concerned about the amount of school times pupils miss and would ask parents to consider carefully their child's academic progress before booking family holidays in term time.
If your child is poorly or unwell
There will be times when your child is unable to attend school because of unavoidable causes. We ask you to inform school on the first day of absence if your child is unable to attend school. We will also ask you the reasons and expected duration of the absence.
If your child is ill we request that you keep them at home until they are feeling better, especially in the case of infectious diseases in line with NHS guidelines.
Please ensure we have emergency contact details for each parent so that you can be notified if your child becomes ill during the school day. Our staff team also contact families daily when a child is not in school to offer further support and advice.
In September 2013 the government introduced new regulations making it clear that Headteachers must not give approval for any leave of absence during term time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents are not entitled to take their children on holiday in term time. Planned absence can only be taken with the prior written approval of the headteacher. Each case will be considered on its own merits and the decision of the headteacher is final.
Any requests for term time leave should be made on a leave of absence request form available from the school office and handed in at least two school weeks before the first date of the requested absence whenever possible. You must have received written authorisation before your child can be absent from school.
If a request for leave is denied and the pupil is absent for 5 days or more then the school is expected to refer the case to the local authority. Parent/carers may be issued with a penalty notice fine or prosecution should leave of 5 days or more be taken which is not authorised by the Headteacher, or where repeated incidents of leave in term time for less than 5 days occur or where the unauthorised absence contributes to wider poor attendance that meets the legal threshold. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996
Absence deemed for the reason of unauthorised leave in term time will be marked in the register with the Attendance code G.
Further information regarding school attendance and penalty notices can be found on the DCC website