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St Giles 

Church of England Primary School

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Meet the team

 Meet Our Wonderful Team

Mr Ben O'Connell

Executive Headteacher

Executive Headteacher across the Matlock and Dales Partnership 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Bethany Simpson

Head of School

Head of School

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Phonics and Early Reading Lead



Mrs Sian Arnold

SENCo / Inclusion Team

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Mrs Bethan Lloyd

Pastoral Lead / Inclusion Team

Pastoral Lead for the Matlock and Dales Partnership 

Mrs Alex Southall

Family Support Worker

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Mrs Joanne Taylor

Class 1 Teacher

Class 1 teacher

Early Years Foundation Stage Lead 

Miss Amy Hall

Class 2 Teacher 

Class 2 Teacher 


Rev Peter Delafield

Class 3 Teacher

Class 3 Teacher 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Key Stage 2 Lead

Maths Lead

Collective Worship and RE Lead across the Matlock and Dales Partnership

Mr Dan Williams

Class 4 Teacher

Class 4 Teacher 

PE Lead 

MFL Lead

Mrs Sarah Rodgers

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

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Mrs Paula Scully

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

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Ms Sally Whithorn

Teaching Assistant

Midday Supervisor 

Breakfast and After School Club Leader 


Mrs Alice Eyley-Jones

Higher level Teaching Assistant

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Mrs Sally Bednell

School Business Manager

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Partnership staff


The children and staff at St. Giles benefit from a range of staff from the Matlock and Dales Primary Partnership who provide support and additional provision.


  • SENCo: Mrs. Sian Arnold
  • Maths leader: Miss. Stacy Deering
  • Sports leader: Mr. Connor Green
  • ELSA HLTA: Mrs. Bethan Lloyd


Two qualified teachers staff from Darley Churchtown CE Primary provide weekly, teacher led Forest Schools at St. Giles. Miss. Parsons and Mrs. Tucker provide Forest Schools on a Friday (morning session for children from St. Giles and the afternoon for children from Darley Churchtown).

