The schools within the Matlock and Dales Primary Partnership believe that all of our children should wear school appropriate uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside of normal school hours.
Items of uniform can be bought with the school logo and details of this can be found below (or within our uniform policy). Plain unbranded items are also easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets. We promote these options to our families.
We also have free 'used and loved' uniform available for free, to all families. This is available in our reception area. Please come on in and help yourself to items of uniform.
General School Wear (required)
We recommend your child wears a coat to school in 'most weathers' as our climate is very changeable and sometimes children can become extremely cold on the playground.
PE Kit (required)
Jewellery must not be worn in school with the exception of studs in ears. It is essential that children are able to remove their own studs before PE, games and swimming lessons. For reasons of health and safety these activities cannot be undertaken with earrings in place.
Please make sure you name all your children's clothing so we can make sure it gets home safely.