Saint Giles Church has a close link with our school. There are usually one or two members of the congregation are on the Governing Body. The Rector comes into school to lead collective worship several times a term. The children and staff attend special school services at important Christian festivals such as Harvest, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Easter and others.
Individual classes often come down to church to learn about the lay out, signs and symbols of the church, as well as its history. It is an amazing thought that there has been a church here since at least 1150 and, indeed, parts of the first church are still here, such as the font where baptisms take place.
A warm welcome always awaits children and parents at Saint Giles Church. We have a small Sunday Club for children at the 9.30 am Sunday Eucharist and we have a Family Service at 9.30 am on the first Sunday of each month.