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St Giles 

Church of England Primary School

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September newsletter

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We hope this message finds you all well. It's been lovely to welcome the children back into school after the summer break.

Our latest newsletter (the first of the year) is now available online and can be accessed via our school website:

Our first newsletter includes information about:
• Exciting news about our agreed vision. Which design do you prefer to represent this?
• Information on how to keep in touch with school and keep up to date with the children's learning in our happy and busy school.
- Things to look out for: Forest Schools, after school clubs (including one solely for our children in Years 1 and 2) as well as the start of Little Smiles!
- A reminder about our uniform: it has been wonderful to welcome all of our children back into school wearing their uniform with pride. Thank you for your support with this.
Dates! Please find attached a list of dates for the Autumn term (including details of parents' evenings and our planned trips to the pantomime).

Thank you for your continued support for the children, staff and one another. 
Many thanks,
Miss. Simpson and Mr. O'Connell
